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RSC News and Annual Reports. Newsletter of the Academy of Social Sciences. Newsletter of the Academy of Science. Resources or information for Fellows or to learn more about RSC Fellows. To read more about our IMs, or if you are currently a member organization. The Royal Society of Canada is pleas.
涓 浗姘戣埅椋炶 瀛 櫌2015骞? 鍏充簬闄 姙鍏 寤栧簲绉 鍚屽織鍙傚姞2015骞村害涓 鑸 鏀胯亴鍔 檵鍗囩浉鍏虫儏鍐电殑鍏 ず. 鍏充簬鍒濊仒骞层 佸垵璇勪笓涓氭妧鏈 亴鍔 佷竴鑸 鏀胯亴鍔 檵鍗囪 冭瘯鎴愮哗鍙婃嫙鑱樸 佽瘎銆佹檵鍗囦汉鍛樺悕鍗曠殑鍏 ず. 鍏充簬浜屻 囦竴浜斿勾搴 垵鑱樺共閮ㄣ 佸垵璇勪笓涓氭妧鏈 亴鍔 互鍙婁竴鑸 鏀胯亴鍔 檵鍗囪 冭瘯鐨勯 氱煡. 锛屾偍鏄 517702 浣嶈 瀹? 浜轰簨澶勶細鎸佺画鎵撻 犲 涔犲瀷鍥 槦. 涓 浗姘戣埅椋炶 瀛 櫌2015骞? 涓 浗姘戣埅椋炶 瀛 櫌2015骞? 涓 浗姘戣埅椋炶 瀛 櫌2015骞? 涓 浗姘戣埅椋炶 瀛 櫌2015骞? 涓 浗姘戣埅椋炶 瀛 櫌2015骞? 涓 浗姘戣埅椋炶 瀛 櫌2015骞? 鑾峰緱涓夐 鏅嬪崌璧勬牸浜哄憳鎵 闇 濉 啓琛ㄦ牸. 姘戣埅涓讳綋绯荤粺楂樼骇涓撲笟鎶 鏈 亴鍔 瘎瀹 鍛樹細涓撳 搴撴垚鍛? 涓 浗姘戣埅椋炶 瀛 櫌浜轰簨澶? .